Monday, March 25, 2013

The Social Network (2010)

Film: The Social Network
Drink: Golden Cadillac / Lucky Bastard Ale
Overall: 5.3 out of 6 drinks.
Drinking Game:

  • Drink every time theres a flashback. 
  • Drink whenever they mention a sum of money you'd run over your best friend for. 
  • Drink every time Justin Timberlake's character does something douchetastic. 
  • Drink for the entire time for the coding/drinking scene. 
  • CHALLENGE: Drink whenever Mark makes a condescending remark. 
"You know, you really don't need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you'd have invented Facebook."

Well today we have the glory and chance of reviewing a newer movie, and one that actually received several critically acclaimed nominations. I'm talking about The Social Network directed by the incredibly creative and talented David Fincher who is probably best known for Fight Club and Se7en. Hopefully you'll realize this film is about a little bit more than just how a social website you check every 13 minutes while in class got its start. It's a story of a breakup, a story of an asshole, a story of ingenuity, and a story about happiness. 

Since we went a bit easy on the drinks last review we'll be doing something a little different. We'll be starting with a Golden Cadillac Cocktail. It might sound a little cheesy, and maybe even girly but I find them delicious and not nearly as tricky to make as one would actually think. It works well as a desert cocktail and is very rich and creamy, mainly outlined through the Galliano and cream. However, if this isn't your thing I've also prepared a beer selection with easy to follow instructions. 

For the cocktail you'll need: 
  • 3/4 oz creme liquor (really any will work)
  • 3/4 oz actual cream 
  • 3/4 oz Galliono (about $30 for 750ml at Bevmo.
Now for the beer you'll need: 
  • A car/bike/bus/boat. 
  • Access to a Bevmo or beer speciality store
  • A bottle opener. 
  • A six pack of Lucky Bastard. 
To mix the cocktail you'll just throw it all in a shaker in no particular order with a decent amount of ice cubes. Shake it like drunken white girl on a saturday night then pour into a a coffee mug because thats how we do it in college. As for the beer, once you slap that bottle cap off you're ready to rock. 


Those are our two options (the bottom ones the beer). The reasoning behind these two isn't really that much of a stretch. As you can imagine the names and texture fit the film rather well. The cocktail is a sweet treat but has a bit of a bite the next morning. The look is 'cool' and it isn't as easily made as other cocktails, a perfect example of the film. The beer is appropriately named when one considers how lucky Zuckerberg is. It tastes bitter with strokes of oak that end in a more complex arrangements of patterns than they began. Very similar to the film, with its spectacular ending. Either crack open a beer or get your cocktail ready and start up the movie. 

Things to toast to: 
  • Really awesome acting. 
  • The movie is substantially deeper than most. 
  • If I drank for every awesome line in this I'd be dead. 
  • The idea of Facebook starting essentially over a breakup is great. 
  • The double story lines makes for an interesting presentation. 
  • Its based off a true story, which makes it like five times better.  
Things to look way and drink to: 
  • The characters can be pretty annoying. 
  • The film is pretty depressing, like really depressing. 
  • The film does tend to go on, especially in the middle arc. 
  • Zuckerberg does kind of come off as an asshole and can be hard to relate to. 
The final scene does merit its own review of quality though because it is simply one of the most moving scenes I've watched in many years. In my opinion it's difficult to not relate to what Zuckerberg feels at the moment after being betrayed so many times. 

Also you should check this out, because it should help lighten your drunk mood. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Film: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Drink: Pina Colada
Overall 6 out of 6 drinks.
Drinking game:
  • Drink every time anyone cries.
  • Drink anytime Kunu gives advice. 
  • Drink every time Aldous says something stupid. 
  • Someone complains about a shirt. 
  • Drink anytime someone brings up the term 'Rock Opera'. 
  • Drink anytime anyone has sex. 
"How you served five years under her, I don't know. You deserve a medal, or a holiday or at least a cuddle from somebody." 

It's friday and I you know that means I'll be doing another comedy review! This time it's actually one of my all time favorite movies Forgetting Sarah Marshall directed by the fantastic Nicholas Stroller who recently wrote the new Muppets movie. This is certainly a comedy/romance although I'm not sure it would be an appropriate date movie unless your date has an incredible sense of humor and no baggage about there ex. It's almost a movie I could see watching with a close dude friend. Does that sound gay? Yeah maybe a little, but I still mean it. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Black Swan (2010)

Film: Black Swan
Drink: Spinning Dancer
Overall: 5 out of 6 drinks.
Drinking Game:

  • Whenever you cringe. 
  • Mila Kunis tries to seduce someone (real or imaginary) 
  • Natalie Portman acts like an eight year old 
  • The dance director is being creepy. 
  • Take 2 drinks if something is a hallucination. 
  • CHALLENGE: Drink every time someone says 'Swan Queen' 

 "I had the craziest dream last night. I was dancing the White Swan." 

Tonight we'll be drinking to a movie that, surprisingly enough (at least for the stuff I review) has a primarily cast. Black Swan is basically a pseudo-take on the classic Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet. It stars both Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis who do incredible jobs at convincing us that they truly are ballet artists that are searching for perfection. The conflict of the film falls into place as the main character Nina Sayers is cast as the swan queen but finds difficulty embraces the dark mysterious black swan portion of the role. As she falls deeper into delusion she becomes convinced that the new girl Lily (played by the gorgeous)  Mila Kunis is trying to replace her. 

Shutter Island (2010)

Film: Shutter Island
Drink: Black Cherry Rum
Overall: 5.5 out of 6 drinks.
Drinking game:
  • Swig for every time Leo remembers something. 
  • One drink for every time someone lights up. 
  • One drink for every time Leo has a revelation. 
  • One Drink the whole thing when there's a sudden twist 
  • Take a sip every time dialect from the 1950's comes into play. 
  • One Drink every time someone says "Ward C"

"This is a game. All of this is for you. You're not investigating anything. You're a fucking rat in a maze"

If you haven't already gathered I've got an unhealthy obsession with Leonardo DiCaprio, so for tonight's viewing pleasure we'll be watching the suspense-thriller Shutter Island. This is a psychotropic action packed mystery that could very easily be linked in the same genre as Inception.
Directed by the incredibly talented Martin Scorsese, we watch as two detectives arrive on an Island far from land that is meant to hold the criminally insane. Their motivation for this is the disappearance of a woman on the island, who they've been hired to catch.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crazy Stupid Drunk

Film: Crazy Stupid Love (2009)
Drink: Old-Fashioned.
Overall: 4 out of 6 drinks. 
Drinking Game:
  • Take a drink for every piece of Gosling's dating advice. 
  • Every time someone cries. 
  • Every time Emma Stone looks disappointed.
  • Every time Steve Carell fucks up a situation he could have scored in. 
  • Every time someone drinks in the film.

So for today’s blog post I’ll be viewing one of the few chick flicks I’m actually willing to watch: Crazy Stupid Love. Basically it’s a cute light hearted film with a pretty incredible cast. It includes Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, and Emma stone just to name a few of the top ones.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

"We don't sell Tic Tacs, we sell cigarettes. And they're cool, available, and *addictive*. The job is almost done for us"

I'm gonna switch things up a little for this review. You're gonna be drinking with me. We don't rush it but you are going to finish that six pack before we the movie wraps. I've seen this film already so I'm cheating a bit, but don't worry I won't giveaway any spoilers just yet.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thank You For Smoking, Now Drink

"Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. Everyone has a talent." 

Tonight we'll be reviewing two addicting pieces. To drink we've got some classic brew from my old home town of San Diego: Oaked Arrogant Bastard and the film Thank You For Smoking. Now the average pairing for this would be a nice pack of Marlboro light's, but I don't smoke anymore. Well unless i've been drinking heavily, so I probably qualify as one of those casual smokers who declassify themselves by not remembering when they actually do it.

Anyway on to the movie.

One of my favorites really, it isn't as political as someone would think. It's really a beautiful film detailing the reality of a lobbyist and just how far looking good and speaking with confidence can get you. A theory I really think applies pretty damn well to real life. I'd encourage watching it before a presentation. Or an argument with your girlfriend. Although there may never really be a way to win those and you'll end up sleeping on the broken futon.

I should probably start talking about the beer before I get myself in trouble. I'd recommend grabbing at least of a six pack of these bad boys. You can't get them at your local grocery store (at least not in the shithole of a city I currently reside in) so you'll have to ride down to Bevmo which if you're unfamiliar with I'd suggest you make sure you take your heart medication before visiting. It is truly a magnificent sight to behold, with alcohol lining every section of the walls. More beer and liquor then you'll ever see.

It should get you subtly drunk.
What actually struck me to involve this beer with the film isn't just the oaky taste, it's actually a bit more than that. In the description of this badass ale, which is actually extraordinary well written, it mentions that too much in life do we consider complacency to adhere to success. You know what? Fuck it, I'll just let them tell you.

"The real beauty, richness and depth in life can only be found if the journey through life itself is looked upon as a constant chance to learn, live and find life’s passion. Passion threatens the complacent, and fills them with fear. Fear of the new, the deep and the different. We, on the other hand, seek it out." 

Man that is deep. Some real philosophical Buddhist shit right there.
I think this is what drunk Buddha would appear like.

 Anyway I think this times into the context of the movie pretty well, as it concerns a man who simply isn't okay with accepting complacency or accepting what the common view is. Oh no, he pushes the boundaries and proves beyond a doubt that there is a place for individuals with a passion to do things, in this case he talks. 

So that's why I recommend this 7.2% ale with a smoky rich flavor and a dark brown head that will leave you wanting more, and perhaps with a little ambition you'll get it. 

Review coming later tonight!